The Page of Pentacles…
Need a break or some kind of distraction? Get out of your life by getting into something else. What, though?!? Welp, I don’t know - what interests you? Sometimes we need a little divergence from the everyday, but we can’t plan a big trip or do something highly involved. BUT we can always plant our noses in a book to learn something new. Tonight make a plan to step outside of the humdrum existence you are beginning to resent by putting your nose into a juicy novel or going online to take an intriguing class. Create space for exploration and do not feel any guilt for your tiny escape plan. You have earned every second of it, my friend. Sweet dreams - read that book before you close your eyes. Let that adventure follow you into your sleep!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” - Garrison Keller
The Page of Pentacles - Artist’s Rendering