The Page of Pentacles - Reversed…
Sometimes, we are just not interested in what is being presented. It’s ok to feel lackluster if the people, places or things that are being dangled in front of you are just non-inspiring. Unfortunately we associate negative labels with disinterest. A few words that come to mind - lazy, thoughtless, dispassionate, unmotivated, aloof. But, to disengage can be healthy, so do not feel a single bit of guilt. Instead, examine what is missing - why aren’t you activated by this situation? There could be useful information hidden here in your level of indifference. Perhaps the people involved or the task at hand just simply doesn’t resonate with you like you though they might. And, if not…what/who would instead? Maybe, you just need a break from the nonsense of it because you can no longer take it seriously. Alternatively, it could be that you just don’t care…and that’s allowed. Cut yourself a break and give yourself permission to foster this detachment. You’ve likely earned it and who knows where it will lead?
“Being detached means not getting attached to old thinking, bad memories, hurts and resentments.” – Remez Sasson
The Page of Pentacles (Reversed) from This Might Hurt Tarot by Isabella Rotman