The Page of Swords…
Feeling a little distracted and like you are stuck in the dark crevices of your mind? Thoughts swarming in you head that you can’t seem to clear? Defeat these thoughts with thoughts! Sounds crazy, I know, but it might be time to shift your thinking by getting curious about the why. Start by thinking, “Why am I holding on to this?” or “Why am is this so important to me right now?” In fact the more you study your thought process to try to figure out where this is all coming from, that thing you can’t shake may lose all of it’s value and evaporate into thin air. Trick the mind with your mind and move past a thought process that just isn’t serving you. There is more out there than all those dark thoughts in your mind. You can free yourself!
“Sometimes I get so far into my head that I forget anything else exists.” - Anonymous
The Page of Swords from The Fountain Tarot and Wizard Tarot