The Page of Swords…

As a card for the week ahead, there is so MUCH to absorb! Lately you may have felt a thirst for knowledge - so take a hold of the teachings that are being offered to you and start to sharpen your mind. Perhaps there is something very specific that you know you need to learn more about to advance on a project for work. Maybe it’s it’s just a general yearning to grow and expand in a direction of greater understanding about life. Either way, it is time to raise your feathers and fill your mind with information. Take a class - read a book - do some research on the internet, or just heighten all of your senses to experience life in a new way and see what hidden knowledge emerges for you. Take notes and let yourself feel studious. Be the biggest nerd you can as you feel that brain full of new, thrilling ideas and information.You know that knowledge can be so powerful. Sharpen your mind for your own personal fulfillment, but also so, if you have to, you can and will be able to use it as weapon.

“Fill your mind before you empty your mouth.” - Habeeb Akande

The Page of Swords from the Oriens Tarot by Ambi Sun


The Four of Cups…


The Queen of Wands…