The Page of Swords (Reversed)…

You have plenty of sparkling ideas today which has you feeling enthusiastic and ready for action. But, be careful not to share them just yet. These little gems need time to gestate. If you put them out into the world right now, they will not be taken seriously. So, cradle them in your mind and nurture them until they are ready. Fuel this developing brilliance with knowledge. Let them grow full enough inside your mind that you will be able to strategize the best plan forward for them. When you are ready, you will know just how to communicate your thoughts with a full proposal that will wow everyone. You are onto something big, but give it the time it deserves and it will flourish beyond your wildest imaginings. Happy Tuesday!

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” - Lee Iacocca

The Knight of Swords (Reversed) from The Robin Wood Tarot


Knight of Cups…


King of Pentacles (Reversed)…