The Page of Wands…

A spark of passion is in the air and now it’s up to you to figure out how to foster the flame. All you really need to advance is a tiny flicker of excitement and a huge amount of curiosity. So examine who or what your light is shining on with deep interest. Devote some time today to exploring this person or idea further, but let your enthusiastic spirit lead the way as you dive into the study. There is so much potential for you to learn and grow in this situation and, perhaps, that is way you feel as passionately as you do about it. You have discovered a fire that deserves to be cultivated. Exploration of the best way to galvanize this new desire is the fun part. So fill your heart with magic by encouraging that tiny spark to blaze into a brilliant bonfire.

“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” - Rumi

The Page of Wands from The Wizards Tarot Deck by Corrine Kenner and John J Blumen


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