The Page of Wands into The Four of Wands (Reversed)…
You have a spirit that is all about positive action and you have been jumping up and down to gain the attention and approval of others. But, sometimes they just don’t notice and you feel like you aren’t getting your desired result. But, you know that you can’t make everyone like you. If you try to force a relationship, even when you do this with a carefree and joyful spirit, some people will just not resonate with what you are putting out into the world. You shouldn’t let this get you down, though. No need to linger and let this moment damper your spirit. So, you can’t solidify the connection with that particular person or group of people that you had hoped would be there for you?!? Move on - there is a tribe out there just waiting for your special brand of happiness and fire. Go and find them!!!
"When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with glad cries of “Me too!” be sure to cherish them. Because those weirdos are your tribe." - A.J. Downey
The Page of Wands into the Four of Wands (Reversed) from the Light Seer Tarot by Chris-Anne