The Page of Wands - Reversed…
Happy Thursday, troublemakers! Underneath the surface you are burning to make some mischief. If the idea of rebelling in a small, but fiery way is calling to you, get specific in you plan to ignite the right kind of vexation. Be curious at the potential for some tricky magic that will also be meaningful. What would truly bring your unsettled heart a sense of enjoyment? You can probably raise cane with purpose - so mull it all over a bit. Don’t take action until you know exactly what brand of mayhem will serve you best. AND do it with good intention, so it doesn’t come back to get you! You’re such devilish imps…
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
The Page of Imps (Wands) Reversed from the Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee & Kipling West