The Queen of Cups…
Hey Queens - be sure to lead with your emotions today! You need to make sure that everyone knows exactly how you feel. I know that sounds a bit risky, but your emotional understanding of the situation you find yourself in is on point. In fact, others are looking to you for guidance on just how to feel about what has recently transpired. When you share this watery content, be sure to serve it with focused compassion and a side dish of inner knowing. Be seductive with what you know to be true, but gentle in the distribution. Allow your own spirit to wash over others with fierce reassurance, but do not hide the truth of what is there. When the tide moves out, you will find yourself respected and admired for how you have handled this moment. Trust your feelings and own your emotional power.
“Expressing emotions doesn’t make you weak…it makes you real.” - Anonymous
The Queen of Cups from the Tarot Apokalypsis by Erik C. Duane and Kim Huggens