The Queen of Cups (Reversed)…


A dear friend was feeling a little anxious today and asked me to pull a card for suggestions on how to deal with that anxiety. I must admit, I have had a fair amount of nervous worry creeping in lately as well…so, I pulled this one with the hope that the deck would have the power to quell those disquiet jitters. We should not let our emotions overwhelm us. Dwelling on the feelings we have will prove to be overwhelming and harmful and, really, what is the point? Take action and if you feel like you cannot take action yet on that which is haunting your spirit, take a walk instead. Do something that will allow for you to disconnect from the internal spiral that only wants to drag you down. Launch an activity - something that will get you out of your head and heart and make you feel invigorated and alive. Take action now - don’t wait!

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” - Walter Anderson

The Queen of Cups (Reversed) from The Lotus Tarot Deck by Angie


The Eight of Swords…


The Eight of Wands (Reversed)…