The Seven of Pentacles…


In staying with our theme of real and true love, let’s examine our card of the day - the Seven of Pentacles. The myth of fairy tales and rom-coms would have us all believe that love hits you like a flash out of the dark, knocks you off your feet and makes your life instantly marvelous. And, after that moment, you live happily ever after. WTF?!? You and I, we both know this isn’t a reality. Real love can come out of the blue, but can also develop over time and with great care. Once you have it - and let’s face it, you always have it in your life (friends, family, even pets qualify) - you must nurture it and work hard to strengthen it each and every moment of your life. If you put in the work, you may be rewarded…but there are never any guarantees. Sometimes the union that you are trying to grow, just refuses to respond. It can wither or drift away, no matter how strongly you dedicate yourself to its success. But, it might also thrive and multiply in ways you hadn’t expected, bringing with it safety, security, fresh energy and abundant magic. Take a moment today to examine your relationships with those you love. What can you do to help them prosper and bloom?

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get. Only with what you are expecting to give - which is EVERYTHING!” - Katharine Hepburn

The Seven of Pentacles from Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot by Melanie Marquis and Scott Murphy


The Six Of Cups…


The Five of Pentacles…