The Seven of Swords…
Do swirling thoughts about others have your head full of clouds? We all have moments when we feel that cold, bitter wind of envy sweep in and make us feel small. If you are going to let your imagination run wild about what they have that you don’t, get specific about it. Tonight, focus on the person that is making your head spin the most. If you could steal just one piece of their life - what would you steal and why? Write it down. Once you have identified it - dig deeper. What would having that thing give you that you don’t have? Write it down. And why is that really important to you? Write it down. Keep asking why until you get to the core of the matter. Write it all down. Before bed, curl up that piece of paper and slide it under your pillow. Then, imagine you are slinking away into the night having stolen that missing element that you crave. Carry it into your dreams and see how it manifests for you there. When you wake up in the morning, look at the paper underneath your pillow and decide what ONE thing you can do in your day that will move you closer to the core of what you want. You will likely realize it has nothing to do with them at all. Sweet dreams, you envious ones…
“Envy can be a positive motivator. Let it inspire you to work harder for what you want.” - Robert Bringle
The 7 of Swords from the Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche