The Seven of Wands…


I am working with an exhilarating new deck that has a Fairytale twist to it and I couldn’t be more excited to pull one of my favorite characters for our card of the day! Those of you who know me well know about my deep love affair with Peter Pan. Peter is an interestingly dark character and his tale is not so transparent. His story, while fun on the surface, is incredibly complex. He will fearlessly and ruthlessly fight to achieve his dreams, even to the detriment of himself and his true intentions. Yes, it’s important for us all to hold on to our personal hopes and wishes right now. It may feel like we have to fight to keep our dreams alive as the universe conspires against us in so many ways, but sometimes it’s okay for dreams to evolve. Transformation is not the enemy, though it was to Peter. Stand up for what you believe in and hold your loved ones close. Defend your true intentions, not the idea of what you once thought was the goal. Oh, Peter, I adore you, but it is called NEVER land.

“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” - JM Barrie’s Peter Pan

The Seven of Wands from The Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles


Page of Swords…


The Seven of Swords…