The Six of Pentacles - Reversed…

Oooooh…this card hits hard for me right now! I am a person that is led by a giving energy, so perhaps that is why it has taken me ALL day to sit down and write about this. Feeling generous?!? Are you a giver, a provider or someone that has a charitable nature?! How exhausted are you right now from all the saying “yes” you have done and all of the ways you have stretched yourself to contribute?!? If I am honest with myself, I feel it it too…. Giving has a limit. Ugh! I can’t believe I said that, but it does. You may need to set boundaries or redefine the way you operate in this particular moment. If you are feeling tired, used, abused or taken advantage of, it’s time to set some guidelines to exactly what, of yourself, you are willing to extend to others. It’s healthy, it’s thoughtful and frankly, whether it’s time, money or personal energy, you can’t afford to give much more. So…step up, speak up and draw a line in the sand. It will be hard, but in reality it’s a very small step to gain perspective on how you interact with others in a healthier way. Give in this idea of not being SO giving.

“The boundary to what we can accept is the boundary to our freedom.” - Tara Brach

The 6 of Pentacles (Reversed) from This Might Hurt Tarot by Isabella Rotman


The Wheel of Fortune…


Nine of Pentacles…