The Star & The Devil…

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Cleanse or confront? Maybe a little of both. It’s a powerful day to look inward and honor the rival belief systems that exist in your psyche. All of the gorgeous healing and uplifting qualities you hold coincide with murky inclinations that shouldn’t always be dispelled. How do all the glorious light and dark pieces of you interact and what would happen if you let them join forces a bit? Though they can be a detriment, your negative thoughts can shed a great deal of light on your personal truth. Your optimistic intentions, that shine a light for others, might also get the better of you if you aren’t careful. In each moment of life, you choose how you would like to show up, but having a wellspring to choose from is key. Explore all of the colors of who you are today and everything in between. See what would happen if your opposing forces decided to unite.

“The place where light and dark begin to touch, is the place where miracles arise.” - Robert A. Johnson

The Star Card from The Muse Tarot Deck by Chris-Anne & The Devil (An artist’s rendering) by Alba Ballesta Gonzalez


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