The Star Card…
As overwhelming as your day to day challenges feel, you will come out on top. That dance you do just to get by amidst the chaos can sometimes feel forced and put on, but the components of who you are and what you have to offer are a magical elixir that can create a healing music for others. Your heart is full of good intentions and sometimes you can’t see how your efforts will materialize to benefit the whole atmosphere, but they will take shape, so just keep dancing. The universe is mysterious and no one can predict what pieces of your existence will rise to shine a light in the sky, but you can bet that your level of commitment to self and others will elevate you in ways you hadn’t imagined. Take center stage when the time is right, but for now - just keep dancing. You are pre-ordained to have those moments of celebration, but you are already a celebration to others in every moment of your day. Just keep dancing - you will soon light up the sky.
“It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.” - William Shakespeare
The Star Card - Mixed Media Rendering by Ginger Lou for Fine Art America