The Ten of Pentacles…
In our quest toward security, abundance and achievements we can sometimes get lost in the task at hand. It can be a necessity to take each moment as it comes and approach our lives one day at a time, but we must not lose sight of the desired dream. So many elements come together throughout the course of a life to construct the big picture. So, if your life is an art project with the hope of creating and maintaining something secure and wholistic - what are you currently weaving? And what tools and materials do you have in hand to weave with? Think big when it comes to what you need and desire and make sure every little moment of how you live is contributing to that dream - how you interact with others, how you respond to opportunity, how you treat yourself and how you choose to honor your own time all can be threads of your final design! Your approach to this project we call life determines the strength of your final creation. Happy weaving!
“A good life is like weaving. Energy is created in the tension. The struggle, the pull and the tug are everything.” - Joan Erickson
The 10 of Pentacles from Barbara Walker Tarot