The Ten of Swords - Reversed…

It’s been a long road with challenges, obstacles and a few deceptions along the way. Do you have a head clouded by doubt and defeat? Take a breather and use the moment to remove all negative thoughts from your mind. Imagine you are pulling pins out of your hair and as you release them one by one, you can feel the relief of not being held back or held in. As you become more and more unburdened, relish that openness and easiness of thought and being you are finding. Unfurl the mind and let it air out all of the dust and debris that this journey has attracted. You are at the end of it, which signifies a fresh start. Shake your head around and let it all out. You will not be held back by these thoughts. Embrace the sweet freedom of mental clarity.

"We say that we want peace of mind but what we really want is peace from mind."- Naval Ravikant.

The 10 of Swords (Reversed) from The Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein


The Four of Wands - Reversed…


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