The Ten of Wands…
When your Monday is a chaos-filled pile of burdens, it’s not a fun way to start your week. My advice, based on this draw, blow it all up and do what you want. I know the idea of that fills you with anxiety, but the load is too heavy and, let’s face it, it’s not of your making - you are trying wayyyy to hard to clean up other peoples messes. All that dirt you are scrubbing away at doesn’t need attention right this minute. The level of expectation that has been placed upon you is too high and the world is not going to end if you just let it go. Drop what you are doing. Start fresh tomorrow and I think it will become very clear to you which of these tasks truly need a little polish and which should just go straight into the incinerator never to be thought of again. Let it all go and trust that when the dust settles you can start clean with a more focused approach to what really matters.
“Catch on fire, if you must. Sometimes everything needs to burn to the ground, so that we may grow.” - AJ Lawless
The 10 of Wands from the Housewives Tarot by Paul Keffel and Jude Buffum