The Ten of Wands - Reversed…

You have been gathering up so much responsibility! This can make you look very beautiful and prolific to others, but it is absolutely weighing you down. It’s time to sift through all that you are carrying and make some clear decisions about what you are ready to let go of. Think of this week as an episode of “Hoarders” - each time you are confronted with another heap of garbage, assess it with keen focus. You will know what should be discarded, what you must keep and what goes in the “maybe” pile. At the end of the week - confront that “maybe” pile. I think you will find there isn’t much there that you truly need or want. Set those nagging responsibilities and obligations loose. Chuck what isn’t fulfilling or enhancing your journey. You will then be able to better dedicate yourself to the people and situations that are. Lighten up, dear hearts - you deserve to feel free.

“Those mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.” -Najwa Zebian

The Ten of Wands (Reversed) from the Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein


Three of Pentacles - Reversed…


The Ace of Coins/Pentacles - Reversed..