The Ten of Wands - The Nine of Pentacles…
As you reach the conclusion of a mini-chapter in your life, it’s up to you on how you choose to approach this sense of completion. You can revisit all the back-breaking exertion you put into this and belabor the idea of how much more there may be to do OR you can lay the burden of it down and enjoy the glory of reaching the finish line. Honestly, endings can bring stress and sadness, but they can also be incredibly rewarding and beautiful. So, take the time to honor the work you have put in while enjoying your own personal achievement - no matter how big or small. The beauty of this moment has grown and blossomed from toil, so why not relish it? You soon will have to start anew, but for now feel the splendor of fulfillment. You have earned it. Happy Tuesday.
“Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.” - Anonymous
The Ten of Wands into The Nine of Pentacles from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant