The Three of Cups…

The super-moon is swirling into our atmosphere soon and Mercury has been setting us all spinning. Gather with your favorites and raise a glass to all of the chaos you have been through and all of the chaos you plan to create. Celebrate the hardships and the adventures, while planning what else you would like to conquer. Share your deepest emotions with each other to expel any woes and drink in the magic that the moon has to offer. Dream up creative collaborations and ways in which you might be able to support each other over the next three months. And, if you are too exhausted to do all of the above, just enjoy the excellent company of your most illuminating friends.

“Moon is the light from a lantern in heaven” ― Munia Khan

The 3 of Cups - Art by Ellen Car from Fine Art America


The Empress…


Eight of Pentacles into Six of Wands…