The Three of Swords…

This week will present challenges. But, the demons we face are ones that we choose to create. Our own dark thoughts can infect us like a frightening virus (too soon?). The mind is funny that way - it spins fantastical stories about self and others - stories that crown our heads with fear and clutter our minds with confusion. Sometimes this internal chaos can infiltrate our inner psyche and take up residence in the most sensitive corners of our hearts. At this point, it’s best that we sift through it all to understand that which is simply not true and remove it from our bodies. In short, don’t let your worries overtake you. The unknowing is the scary part. Take the very courageous steps needed to get to the truth. And, that which is untrue - cleanse from your bloodstream, so you can properly heal. There is strength in reclaiming your mental and emotional health.

“Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there.” - Anonymous

The Three of Swords from The Super Punch Tarot - Art by Brigid Ashwood


The Page of Cups…


The World…