The Three of Wands & The Three of Cups with the Six of Swords Hovering…
After yesterday’s post about planning ahead for better financial well being in the New Year, you thought you were off the hook, since I’m only posting now. But, the truth is these three cards flew out of the deck this morning when I asked about this issue and I got to work right away - diligently reviewing this year’s expenses and readying myself for Tax Season early (sigh). No fun. What have you done today to prepare for a better strategy in 2024? If you haven’t done anything, no worries - there’s still a few hours left in the night! Here goes, we are moving forward toward greater clarity, but feel undoubtedly haunted by the past when it comes to our finances. This past year, we’ve let our money flow inhibit our creative spark - we’ve spent far too much on the wrong things and we’ve had a bad attitude about the amount coming in. This year, we can learn from these past mistakes. Take this time to look back as you move forward. The real magic of financial intelligence, is that it can increase your ability to enjoy the emotional wealth of togetherness with the people that will inspire your creative spirit. This is the aim going forward. As you look back, take note of your biggest mistakes in spending. Make a list of what you vow to change in the year ahead based on these missteps - maybe just 3 things to keep it simple (seems like 3 is the magic number here). Post this list in in a place where it can remind you to make better choices on a daily basis. Then, ready yourself for financial, creative and emotional abundance. I’m making my list tonight…you should too!!!
“Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.” - Robert Kiyosaki
The 3 of Wands & The 3 of Cups with The 6 of Swords hovering above from The Tarot of the Witches Garden by Sasha Graham