The Three of Wands (Reversed)…
It’s so lovely to dream of faraway places and make plans for the future, but you are where you need to be. Today, in this moment, try to stay in the here and now. There is so much you need to do in just this time and place, that to focus on a distant dream, might only make that dream even farther away from becoming a reality. So, one step at a time. What is right in front of you in this minute that needs your attention? What important life and career issues do you currently face and how might you take action to conquer them right now? This week, focus on the small, but crucial items that you have been avoiding by engaging in distractions of what is yet to be. Check them off that list. I promise your dream will be waiting for you and when you finish your list, you will be that much closer to the destiny your heart desires.
“Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.” - Eric Thomas
The Three of Wands (Reversed) from The Tarot of the Magical Forest by Lo Scarabeo