The Three of Wands - Reversed…

Feeling a little down because something you have been planning for is not materializing the way you had hoped? This can be frustrating, disappointing and send you into a debilitating funk OR you can use that fire within to redirect your energy. Instead of spending tonight throwing a pity party and longing for something that isn’t meant to be, commit yourself to a moment of reflection. Recall all of your past plans that fell through and think about what the payoff was for you. Yes, I said payoff! On the other side of that failed effort there was a reward. It just wasn’t the reward you initially hoped for, but there was something gained from your loss. Sometimes when things fall through it’s for a very specific reason. The universe is either pushing you in a new direction or protecting you from a mistake that doesn’t initially appear to you as a flaw. Take stock and then turn your attention to your current situation. Let the sun set on this dream. It may be hard to watch it drift away, but see the undeniably dynamic colors that appear as it vanishes. Tomorrow morning, you will be ready to take a step toward a new plan!

“Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.” - Beau Taplin

The 3 of Wands (Reversed) from the Tarot de St. Croix by Lisa de St. Croix


The Empress…


The Four of Swords…