The Tower

The Tower - An Artist’s Rendering from  the Slow Tarot Collection by Lacey Bryant

The Tower - An Artist’s Rendering from
the Slow Tarot Collection by Lacey Bryant

I have to admit when I pulled this card tonight I sighed a heavy sigh, rolled my eyes and thought, “REALLY?!? WHAT NOW?” I mean, this year has been like one giant tower and we are so close the finish line - right? What more can possibly present to truly shake us from the windows?!? But, there is always more - isn’t there? Life sends challenges to redirect our path toward truth and authenticity. Crazy changes come to keep us on course to our sincere and purposeful destiny. We build and build and build our lives in a way that we think is correct, but it may be struck down by a universe that wants us to build stronger and better - a deeper plan is already there for us, waiting for restructuring. There is another reader, that I read and study with sometimes, who says this is her favorite card. At first, when she mentioned this, I was shocked and surprised. But, now, I get it. We are often resistant to change - we get comfortable and we start to feel complacent. Even right now, amidst this awful pandemic, a great amount of change is upon us, but it’s strangely easy to feel safe here. I think in pulling this card tonight, the universe is saying - what you are doing or have done is not quite enough - there is more to be explored. Your house of cards is easy to shake down, so how do you rebuild in a meaningful and lasting way? Sometimes life just doesn’t let us take the easy way out, so embrace the hard work - roll up your sleeves, dig in and restructure. You deserve a strong foundation. Just know, when that lightening strikes, you deserve better.


The Seven of Pentacles


The Seven of Swords -Reversed