The Tower - Reversed…
Hey bunnies and other magical creatures -It’s time to float away from the chaos! If you find yourself surrounded by disruption that threatens your personal vitality and spirit, the moment is now to begin to rise above it. If it’s balance and strong foundation you seek, take a look around you and begin to identify all of the outside sources that wreak havoc on your opportunity to do so - and then, float away from that nonsense. You don’t need it anymore. If there is a lesson to bring with you, sure - take it. But otherwise, let go of it all and just fly your entire being toward a lighter and easier level of existence. Look, I’ll be clear - you don’t need all of that external turmoil. There may have been a time you thought that was exciting, but now you know - it’s just traumatizing, so break away - and rise above it. You know you are meant for a lighter, more uplifting way of living. Happy Saturday, my fun bunnies (and other magical creatures)…
“Rise above the chaos and embrace the joys of the soul.” - Anonymous
The Tower (Reversed) - Art by So Laza