The Two of Pentacles -Reversed with a Hidden Six of Swords…
If you are a card puller for profession or just fun - have you ever gotten a hidden card message? This morning a hidden card emerged after I pulled the card of the day and it was kind of exciting. What do I mean by a “hidden” card?!? When I went to put the cards away in their scarf after the pull - there it was that single card that snuck outside of the reading by remaining in the scarf. Sometimes a hidden card happens if you don’t notice a fly-away when you are shuffling and later find one lying lone and stray under the couch or bed. To me this is a secret message waiting to be read - directly informing your initial reading! So, are you feeling worrisome about the balance and flow of money in you life? Perhaps there are real debts that linger or maybe you just have an easy feeling about the level of uncertainty within your cash flow? Ugh - I feel it - income instability is a very terrifying haunt. However, hidden underneath it all is this idea of escaping - a journey into a safer space. Your solution will involve a physical transition - a movement from where you currently are into a better place. So, start thinking about how a change in location might benefit you. A move - a change in your job - traveling to make stronger financial connections - looking further away to bring in new and exciting business - travel for travel’s sake. The possibilities for increased income and security are endless, if you take a moment to think outside of where you currently reside. Oh! can’t wait to hear about where you go…
“What you want also wants you - it’s just waiting for you to make the first move.” - Anonymous internet wisdom
The Two of Pentacles (Reversed) with a “hidden” Six of Swords emerging from the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman