The Two of Swords…
This week, you THINK you have to make a tough decision, but what would truly happen if you just didn’t choose? Those two thoughts - those cutting ideas that seem to be opposing might be intimidating, but they do not determine your growth. Why not just wait and allow yourself to reach upward through their sharp finality? Grow toward a calmer existence despite their demands. I think you’ll be surprised to find that indecision can be the best answer to the problem, ultimately bringing you peace and further clarity. If you feel like you have to choose - don’t choose! It may take some time, but you will eventually grow to overcome this folly. (It doesn’t feel like folly right now, but I assure you, if you wait, you will discover it is.)
“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” - Neil Part
The Two Of Swords from The Bifrost Tarot by Jeremy Lampkin