The Wheel of Fate…

This card appeared for me twice this week - Upright and Reversed. Initially I didn’t post about it, but today with its second appearance, I knew I would have to confront it. Honestly, with the week it’s been, it makes sense this card has manifested in both directions. (BTW - you can always tell I’ve had a crazy week when every “card of the day” becomes a “card of the late night”.) So here’s a little symbolism dissertation courtesy of the internet noting the Wheel of Fate as a reflection of the Buddhist Wheel of Life : “The circle, the round shape of the wheel, represents the perfection of the dharma, the Buddha's teaching. The rim of the wheel represents meditative concentration and mindfulness, which hold practice together. The hub represents moral discipline.” Mindfulness…practice…concentration…all elements that were necessary to get through the twists and turns of the week! In the center, that moral discipline both guiding and observing as we proceed. The wheel can become a compass. When we lose our way, we only need to focus, practice and be mindful to activate our way toward greater understanding and connect with our moral center. But, to be honest…sometimes I just want to go to bed and start fresh in the morning! Good night!

“Life is like a wheel. Sooner or later it always comes around to where you started again.” - Stepen King

The Wheel of Fortune/Fate from the Elemental Tarot 78 (Artist Chris Anne)




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