The Wheel of Fate (Reversed) into the Six of Swords…
Good news - the worst of it is over. You have successfully managed the twists and turns that you were thrown into. You may have felt like you were suspended upside down on the downside of existence, but now you are moving toward blue skies and better days. Set your sails toward dry, sunny land and don’t let your dark thoughts about what has transpired follow you. If anything, you can use those dark thoughts to put a little extra wind in your sails as you flee. This last part of your journey may be challenging, but knowing that your destination will be sunny and fun once you arrive should help keep you moving. So close - almost there. Keep going and you will soon see that sliver of sunlight land appear on the horizon. Land, ho!
“Don’t give up on the person you are becoming.” - Anonymous
The Wheel of Fate (Reversed) into the 6 of Swords from the Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne