The Wheel of Fortune…
Spreading a little holiday cheer with a friendly reminder… Life has its ups and downs and sometimes you find yourself on top of the world and other times spinning in dizzy confusion. But, though those sudden moments of craziness can feel overwhelming - when you rip open the wrapping, they might surprise you by being the most magical gift of all. It’s funny how the things we most need come to us in unexpected ways. Wherever you find yourself on the wheel of life on this Christmas Day, I hope you can recognize that everyday is a gift. Keep tearing into that paper and opening those boxes, friends. You never know what joy and delight is hiding if you dig deep inside! Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays and stay forever gifted.
“Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.” - Unknown
The Wheel of Fortune from the Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thomspon