The Wheel of Fortune/Fate…
Although I pulled this card at the start of my day, it has become a card of the very-late-night. My own spin on the Wheel of Fortune was a little rough today - flight delays amounting to a long day of travel in unusually crowded airports, so apologies for the later than usual post. Eek! I’m not trying to freak you out with this spider, but rather hoping to inspire you to see life as a web. We can get ensnared in it’s clutches or we can walk those tiny strings like mini tight ropes to another side. We can choose to fall prey to others, or we can be the weavers of dreams (and tiny tight ropes for others to walk). Where are you currently in this web? Are you tangled and frustrated or are you looking at it from a branch, admiring how the sunlight glistens on its silky, dew covered thread? Wherever you may have landed, know that this position is fleeting and be ready and open for change. Keep walking that tiny tight rope, dreamer.
“Sorry I’m not home right now. I’m walking into spiderwebs, so leave a message and I’ll call you back.” - No Doubt
The Wheel of Fortune from The Animism Tarot Deck found at Rainbow of Crazy