The World - Reversed…
How peculiar yet wonderful that we began our week with The World (upright) and are starting our weekend with The World (reversed). When a powerful card like this repeats in this way, I think it’s calling for us to look at the two occurrences together. In this case, I think we have to change our approach entirely for the weekend ahead. Which could mean really taking a look at what we have planned this weekend and turning it all on it’s head! Do you have plans this weekend that are not that thrilling to you? Either cancel and plan for something that inspires you or figure out a way to take those obligations make them even more exciting in their execution. Perhaps it’s the reverse of that? So MUCH on the calendar that feels very festive? Maybe you need to realign your intention around those events and find deeper meaning and a more even attitude as you entertain them all? There is the possibility that what you believe you are diving into this weekend, is not quite what it seems, so being ready for anything is advised. If you need to foster more control of the situations at hand, though, greet everything with a different strategy - step outside of your comfort zone, shake it up and have fun swirling around in the unknown!
“To change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perspective.” - Stephen R. Covey
The World (Reversed) - Art by Sonia Lazo