Three Cards for Sunday…
There is someone in your life who is stunting your growth. Perhaps, when they entered your life, they represented to you quite the opposite, providing you with the support you needed to thrive. But, it’s time to admit this has changed and you have changed. There is an undeniable toxicity in this relationship now and you must move on. You cannot know what lies ahead and you may feel the loss of what you once had, but you must move forward if you wish to grow. The sadness and disappointment is momentary and you will pull through it. Let the knowledge of your situation steer you in a new direction and welcome the free and exhilarating feeling of fresh possibilities. Once you are through this transition, you will be ready to take a thrilling chance on a better life. Make a decision to roll those dice. Bet on yourself.
“If they are not making you glow - glow alone.” - Unknown
The 7 of Pentacles (Reversed) - The Six of Swords - The Wheel from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne