Three Cards for the “In-between”…


I recently had a session with a client in which we explored options and ideas for a time they referred to as “the in-between” or “the intermission”. It’s funny, we all have those moments that feel this way and this current pandemic has become an uncertain intermission for so many of us. I asked one of my decks about this “in-between” and three cards popped out (I was only trying for one, but the deck had a lot to say). In this pause between passion and thought, our direction has been refocused undoubtedly inward as we all strive to refresh and restart. While it may seem like we are at a stand still, when you really examine that “in-between” there has been so much joy, love, celebration, collaboration and growth. Perhaps we needed this more than anything - an “intermission” to take it all in and rediscovery the harmony that life wants for us. How will you honor and celebrate all of the missing fire that surfaced for you during this time? What does togetherness now mean for you?

“Maybe the good stuff isn’t ahead or behind us. Maybe it’s somewhere in-between. Right in the midst of this moment here and now.” - Jeff Goins

The 9 of Wands (Reversed), The 4 of Wands, The 10 of Swords (Reversed) from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


The Ten of Pentacles…


The Ten of Swords…