Three Cards on a Saturday…

Feeling like you are in a rut? I pulled three cards today today to gain information about how I can lift myself out of my own and I just loved the message, so I thought I would share. It’s true that in this moment you feel stuck - you know that decisions must be made, but you cannot even see what you are deciding about. It’s a defensive and confusing position to be in when you aren’t sure what part of your life needs the most focus and attention. What you truly long for are more options - exciting ones, scary ones and everything in between. Life has felt stagnant, so opportunity for ANY kind of change would do the trick, but you would like the privilege of being able to choose from many mysterious offerings. How might you get there? First, you must embrace the sunny side of who you are - a wildly optimistic outlook is the key ingredient in this recipe. You feel like you are in darkness, because you cannot see and you don’t yet have a clear vision, but the sunlight is there for you to claim! Also, how playfully vulnerable can you allow yourself to be on this adventure? It’s time to get curious about being reborn. Adjust your thinking - and welcome the unknown with delight. If you do, you will soon find yourself looking back on this moment with wonder. Happy Saturday!

“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” - Roald Dahl

The Two of Swords - The Seven Of Cups - The Sun from The Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi


Six of Wands (Reversed)…


Knight of Wands - Judgement…