Three of Pentacles…
Looks like you have quite a journey ahead of you in order to make it to the summit of where it is you belong. But, you see your destination clearly and though the challenge is steep, your focus is keen and your spirit delights at the thought of the climb. One thing that is becoming clear to you is that you will need support. Who are your golden three? Who, in your life, are ready to step in and aid you on this endeavor? Today is the perfect day to identify them. You will need to some time really connecting to what is at stake for you, so you can better understand the needs you will have along the way. This knowledge will guide you to your perfect three. Once you have figured it out, reach out and enlist their guidance. You don’t have to do this alone. They are waiting for you to invite them into your expedition, so they can bolster your progress one step at a time. One day you will be poised and ready to return that favor. Perhaps by sending a rope down from way up high!
“Many of us are willing to lend a helping hand, but we’re very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve divided the world into “those who offer help” and “those who need help”. The truth is that we are both.” - Brene Brown
The Three of Pentacles from Aunty Flo Tarot