Three of Pumpkins (Pentacles)…
Collaboration is key to crafting the perfect pumpkin. But, seriously, germination can be quite challenging for all manner of gourds and humans. Take advantage of all of the spirits you have lingering about you to aid you in your endeavor and don’t be afraid to be that companion, seen or unseen, to another who is striving toward maturation. Do not dismiss a helping hand and do not discount your own contributions to another person’s achievements. Guidance, support and encouragement are the trifecta of team success, but can also be the building block for an individual’s chance to broaden and magnify. If a companion advances toward their goal or dream, this only signifies that you have the opportunity to as well. Help to lift each other up and so much can be accomplished. Take this thought into your dreams tonight and ask, “What more can be realized if collaboration is fueling our growth?” Sweet dreams, my pumpkins!
“Vital to quality of life is the ability to work together, learn from each other and help each other grow.” - Stephen R. Covey
The Three of Pumpkins (Pentacles) from the Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West