Three of Wands…
This morning I asked the cards: “How can we summon the energy needed to feel the full potency of this season?” This may be a selfish question because I have started the week with a positive covid test (I think this must have been the surprise that the Death Card promised for me when it appeared at the start of the week - lol). I’ve been getting better, but do feel a sense of exhaustion and darkness which has been hard to combat. So, ENERGY is what I am longing for. Think of three ways you can light up your life, my friends. Meditate on what three things you can do to shed and share light. Illumination is a fierce way to battle darkness and fire burns bright, but also hot. What fire can you ignite to inspire yourself and others? For me, I plan to do the following: 1. Speak truth and highlight the good in the world around me by staying optimistically honest. 2. Honor the flame within by ensuring proper rest so I can burn brightly by getting enough sleep and listening to the needs of my body. 3. Plan engaging activities with people who light me up in various ways to stay creatively motivated, once I am healed. What can you do to become the light that will dispel the darkness?
“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” - Anne Frank
The Three of Wands from The Tarot of The Haunted House by Sasha Graham and Mirco Pierfederici