Three of Wands - Reversed…
We often believe that to advance in the way we are meant to, we must dream big and plan for the distant future. But, growth is peculiar and expansion always starts from within. Today, though you feel wanderlust in your heart, stay in the moment. Trust that everything you need to broaden those horizons is right there in front of you in the very minute you are experiencing. Connect your senses to the full experience of what is present for you in the now and who knows what you might discover…or where it could lead you. Trust - stay in the moment - fully absorb your current adventure and you will ready yourself to blossom in a more richly beautiful way.
“A rose must remain with the sun and the rain or its lovely promise won’t come true.” - Ray Evans
The 3 of Wands (Reversed) from Llewellyn’s Classic Tarot by Barbara Moore