Two Card Tuesday…
It seems you are a little hesitant to share your feelings today. You are feeling upbeat and hopeful in many ways… with a renewed sense of focus taking the lead. However, when you look back at where you are coming from and who you used to be, it makes you wonder if you are truly being authentic to yourself in the choices you are making. Mull it all over, but don’t let yourself get too sullen about it all. Life is not so black-and-white, so the truth of what you are feeling lies somewhere in-between. Your emotions fluctuate. You don’t always have to come to a resolution - you are allowed to let your emotional life exist somewhere in the middle. Ride the wave of it, at least for today….
“There is no black-and-white situation. It is all a part of life. Highs, lows, middles.” - Van Morrison
The Six of Cups (Reversed) into the Four of Cups (Reversed) from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi.