Two of Pentacles…

Two of Pentacles from The Tarot of The Haunted House by Sasha Graham

Two of Pentacles from The Tarot of The Haunted House by Sasha Graham

Your card of the night is calling to you. Are you letting the stress of day-to-day living get under your skin? In these uncertain times, there is definitely a wealth of anxiety ridden obstacles to haunt us during our days. You try so hard to remain balanced, but find the intense energy of the world keeps dragging you down that long, dark hallway. Tonight, try a little lucid dreaming. See if you can confront your biggest fears while you sleep. Perhaps if you can conquer them in dreaming life, you will find a new perspective on these haunts in waking life. Bravely strut down that long, dark hallway in your dream. Answer the creepy call of those little demons. See those evil, life sucking thoughts and destroy them by taking ownership of your mind and heart. Restore your own sense of personal balance and free yourself from the mental stress you impose upon yourself. Recognize that you may be your own haunt.


Ten of Cups - Ace of Cups - Three of Pentacles

