Two of Pentacles - Reversed & The Chariot…

You are ready to stop climbing and to cease juggling. Why stress so much to keep up with what everyone else needs or wants? I mean, you did that really well and kept it all together, but now it’s time for you to take initiative by setting your own tone. You know exactly what direction you are headed in, so clear the path of delays and recalibrate the pace. You may feel sluggish when you start, but just decide you are going to take the reins and move ahead in a way that suits you best. All the people that threaten to slow you down or stand in your way, will just have to adjust to keep up or get out of your way! Focus and use all of your resources to support this internal shift in energy. Time to move forward, my friends, but do it at the pace of YOUR choosing!

“You have to set the tone and the pace, define objectives and strategies. Demonstrate through personal example what you might expect from others.” - Stanley C. Gault

Two of Pentacles (Reversed) into The Chariot from The Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein


The King of Pentacles - Reversed…


The Hermit…