Two of Swords…
I see you, out in the cold, perched at an impasse, wondering if you should make a move. You should. Some decisions are really not fun because either way you feel blinded from what might lie beyond them. It’s challenging to know what way is the right way…but does it matter at this point? You may feel comfy having nested in your home in the in-between, but it was never meant to be your permanent residence. You have wings, after all, so let yourself fly in a new direction. Don’t let your mind ensnare you in the decision making process. Look within and you will see that true freedom will come once you head in ANY direction. In short, make a move - you won’t regret it and if you find you do, you can always change course. Time to fly…
“The more decisions you are forced to make alone, the more aware you are of your freedom to choose.” - Thornton Wilder
The Two of Swords from The Ostara Tarot by Krista Gibbard