Wheel of Fortune & Eight of Pentacles…
I am just mildly obsessed with my new Golden Girls Deck and the positive vibes it’s providing this Tuesday. Shout out to one of my Besties, Beth, for this awesome find. Looks like luck is shifting in support of the work we have been doing. As the Eight of Pentacles returns today to remind us to keep dedicating ourselves to our craft, it is supported by that Wheel of Fortune signifying that a shift in our energy is about to pay off! Today, as you are working diligently toward that goal and honoring each tiny detail in your approach, be sure to use all four elements to your advantage. Your project, no matter how big or small, is supported by the universe and will clearly have a positive impact on the outside world. Keep at it and that harmonious balance and flow will be rewarded. Happy Tuesday.
"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."- John Wooden
The Wheel of Fortune and The Eight of Pentacles from The Golden Girls Tarot