The High Priestess…

Pulling this card on a day when I have two Halloween Tarot Experiences for Uncommon Goods has filled me with excitement! The power of intuition is calling, so I decided to test it out right from the start of the day, by making a big prediction in hopes that it would manifest. On my way into the real-world job, I said to myself “Today I will welcome the prospect of a brand new project!” Then, when I got to work I told my colleagues that I foresaw a new project presenting itself today. Guess what…an email inquiry did come through. So, the High Priestess in you is encouraging you to evoke the thin veil of Halloween in honor of manifestation. What magic acquisitions would you like to predict? See it’s vividness with your third eye and voice it with absolute conviction through your throat chakra. The universe may surprise you with the realization of your prediction. And now, I predict that the energy of Halloween Tarot Experience will be off-the-charts tonight! High Priestess will magnify our collective insight and illuminate the true, wicked magic of the season!

“Everyone is born with psychic abilities. It’s just a matter of knowing how to tap into them.” - Julian Offray de la Mettrie

The High Priestess - Tarot Art by Craftea on Deviant Art


King of Cups - Reversed into Queen of Wands…

