As we draw nearer to Halloween, we can become overtaken by an inclination toward indulgence and over-exertion. Let’s face it, any holiday or celebration can bring out bacchanalian tendencies in all of us. But, today we should use all of that eerie, fall energy to calm our spirits and connect to sense of flow. How might you find the balance you desperately need? It could be a simple as eating more greens to prepare for the inevitable candy overload. Or perhaps you need to initiate one special fall activity for self for every two that is required of you by others? Maybe a day of rest with a scary book will refuel you enough to ready you for the overwhelming commitments you have on the calendar in the next few weeks. Stop bobbing for apples and set up some guidelines to help you through. Think of this adventure as an exciting way to cast your own spell for personal wellbeing. An easier circulation of what you need, what you want and what is required will put your mind at ease so you can claim full enjoyment from the rest of the spooky season!