King of Wands…

When the pressure is on, you have the fire, passion, creativity and authority to lead your team to success. True, there are so many components to this dish you plan to serve, but your artistic approach combined with your burning spirit to succeed makes for the best combination of ingredients. You are certain to whip up something magical and delicious today. Use your unruly temper to your advantage and be ready to command your team in a way that will ensure they deliver. And don’t forget to add a dash of rebelliousness - a little defiance goes a long way when you are on your way to greatness. Most of all, enjoy every step of this process - attention to detail is best when paired with an undeniable love for what is on your plate. Happy Wednesday, you warrior. (If you happen to dine out tonight, don’t forget to show your gratitude to the chef and kitchen staff!)

“Skills can be taught. Character you either have or don't have.” - Anthony Bourdain

The King of Wands from The Cosmic Cycles Tarot by Miriam EG


Three of Pentacles…


The King of Wands (Reversed) and the Three of Swords…